Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Problem:  I'm sure any guitar player would agree that losing the grip on your guitar pick while strumming your guitar can be quite a problem.  Most guitar picks are made up of a nylon, polymer, or plastic-like material. This leaves the surface of the guitar pick slippery and easy to lose control of while playing.  It may not seem like a big issue while playing by yourself or with friends, but on the professional level it could be a nuisance.  Imagine dropping your pick while playing a live show! 

Solution: Develop a guitar pick that has a rubber or silicone grip but still plays like a normal nylon or plastic pick.  

New Product Strategy: This can be done by making the upper half of the guitar pick covered with a rubber coating.  This will mainly address the problem of the guitar pick coming out of position and moving side to side.  In addition, it will prevent the player from dropping the guitar pick completely.  

Idea Generation: I've been playing guitar for 8 years and losing position of my guitar pick and/or dropping the guitar pick completely is a reoccurring issue for me.  I've tried similar products that have a plastic grip on them and it helps the issue somewhat, but I always thought having the top half rubber coated would work much better.  As your fingers start to perspire, it becomes hard to get a good grip on the smooth plastic surface.  I believe having a rubber or silicone coating will dramatically reduce, if not solve the problem completely in some cases. 

Idea Screening: I believe that this product could be made at a very low cost and could sell at a higher price than normal guitar picks due to its innovation.  It addresses a common problem for musicians who play stringed instruments.

Business Analysis: This product can be marketed toward any musician that plays a stringed instrument and uses a pick. It is a very common issue for guitar players especially. There are similar products out there, but most are costly and too out of the box for most musicians. This product is simple, yet innovative and will serve its purpose well. It can be used for any level of guitar playing from beginner to advanced and will keep the same tone as a normal guitar pick. 

Product Development: The product's logo will be important for getting the message across to musicians.  Adding a catchy slogan or simple catch phrase will help in the advertising process. Establishing a good customer base will be key for this product to be successful.

Test Marketing: After this product is created, it can be tested at local music stores in the area to see how customers will react.  Flyers can be distributed and ads in music magazines can also be arranged.  It can be sold in any music store.  Hopefully, the product will reach nationally recognized companies such as Guitar Center or Musician's Friend. 

Commercialization: When feedback is received from prospective customers,  The No-Slip Guitar will be produced locally when necessary materials are available and final design is prepared.

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